Mar 19Liked by Wrong Channel

Really good writing, Sam. I especially love this paragraph: "There is definitely a utopian glow about the capital, Copenhagen. The air is filled with the musical flutter of relaxed consonants. Pelotons of milfs and dilfs whistle down the city’s bike lanes. Each carting along a bundle of even-keeled toddlers. " You'd be a fun guy to have a drink with, but I think I'll leave my bike at home.

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Thanks Tim! and thanks for sharing the bit you liked. I'm pleased you liked this one, because I haven't done much travel writing. In fact, I thought I was biologically incapable of it! So that is very nice to hear. I actually had a beer in the fridge for our meeting, maybe next time! You may as well bring it, it's not safe at home either. Nowhere is safe,

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The writing is good. Really good. Musical flutter of relaxed consonants makes me wish I’d written that. Well done.

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"the Danish government takes the controversial approach of providing for its citizens"

A weird concept that would never catch on in the Anglosphere, where proper respect for your betters is instilled from even before birth.

Thanks for the hints on how to rationalize petty theft, BTW. I'm sure I'll find that comes in handy when it's time to nick the neighbours' shopping after Amazon comes by.

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Yep it's an odd thing that this concept is not a bit more popular.

haha how dare you! there is nothing petty of my carefully thought-out heists. But I can rationalise that for you. That's stealing from big-tech. You're emptying the man's pockets. The neighbour will get their goods replaced. Everyone's a winner

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Jun 5Liked by Wrong Channel

Can I move there if the orange ANUS gets elected again??

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Come on down! I actually thought about moving there too

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The Danish are full of wonders for sure. Love this. Thanks for sharing

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They certainly are! Thank you, Derick

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Nordic countries have a very different lifestyle to the rest of Europe and UK. But it’s not all “perfect”. Great writing style! I like the humor.

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I'm sure it isn't! Thanks very much Mila

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You are such a funny guy! I love reading your stuff! 😉

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Glad you're enjoying em'! :)

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Mar 14Liked by Wrong Channel

You're hilarious. Got some great laughs from this.

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Thanks mate! That is really lovely to hear.

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Jun 30Liked by Wrong Channel

This weirdly makes me want to vacation on the south side of Chicago.

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Come on down!

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Copenhagen is also one of the best places in the world for skateboarding! Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for reading! I'd expect nothing less. I always thought putting little nobbles on rails and ledges is the shittiest thing councils to do. We must stamp out the scourge of people doing neat little flips outside our property

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Jun 12Liked by Wrong Channel

LOL. Particularly love the ending!🤣

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Thanks Jess. We've got a seat going in the van, if you're down?

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Jun 4Liked by Wrong Channel

I lived in Micronesia for several years and bike thieving was referred to as "borrowing". It was such a small island, you eventually ran into your bike again, no big deal. I owned an amazing custom bike, however, that was built of gorgeous chrome...handle bars, frame, fenders, chain guard, spokes, wheels, seat holder, even the seat cover was silver...should've had a "borrow me" sign on it, right? 😄 Eventually, although it broke my heart (my dad built it for me), I took a can of hideous brown spray paint to my bike and greatly curtailed the borrowing down to occasionally rather than always. Live and learn...it was my own ostentation that caused strangers to covet. 😄😄😄

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haha that's a lovely story. It's the same in Oxford, it's not worth the hassle of having a nice bike.

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Jun 6Liked by Wrong Channel

Thank you for responding. I'm new in these parts and I love what I've already read. Are you really a wanton bike thief?

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haha welcome to these here parts. I certainly stole some in my day. Maybe only like 4 or 5? But it was part of the culture. We had a friend who used to steal our bikes. You may think, he wasn't your friend. But he was. He was just a bashful thief. You must accept people who they are

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Jun 6Liked by Wrong Channel

😆😆 Hey, no judgment here. I have friends in low places myself. 😄👍 I just loved your brashness. Thank you! You're a delight. 💟🇬🇧🇺🇸💟

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No judgment perceived! haha that's what friends are for. Thank you very much :) All this positive reinforcement is making me itchy. That's it. I'm going out on the rob tonight. Wish me luck!

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Jun 6Liked by Wrong Channel

😂😂 Incorrigible.

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Have a good look at the GHI. Gross Happiness Index. I have a post coming soon on that topic. Denmark ranks # 2. Way ahead of U.S. that dropped from 16th to 23rd this year.

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Seems to a pretty decent indicator of how well things are going. oh that's great. Please send it over when it comes out

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If you subscribe, always free, you will get a notice via email. Many thanks! May have to put Denmark on our October itinerary. Here's a link to the GNH (Gross National Happiness) I use the word Index as there are numerous criteria used in assessment,


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Thanks Gary!

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Thanks for sharing your piece about Copenhagen, Sam. I haven't been there, but your writing certainly gives me a feel for the city and it does sound like a great place.

I don't know how or why these people can be so chilled out and laid back; I'm half Swedish and I must say that my Swedish forebears have never seemed so content as the people did you describe. How unfortunate for them!

I think you'd be a good guy to travel with. I certainly enjoyed meeting you for a beer or a cup of coffee at some nice European café, one day. Though I daresay I have no plans to travel to Europe anytime soon much as I would like to do it.

Are you going away sometime this summer?



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Thanks for reading Ann! That’s lovely feedback.

100% of the Swedish people I’ve met have been content but I’ve only known the one.

Thank you! I’m going away to Vietnam this summer, which is all very exciting!

I live in Italy so if you’re ever in Milan, hit me up for that beer and a coffee! It’s a controversial combo that hasn’t taken off yet locally



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The pastries would be my downfall! I get bad indigestion! 🤣

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haha but what a sweet surrender! same, I've got some sort of gluten sensitivity. I was eating them knowing full well what was to come

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Yes! Just pack the gaviscon!

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Do you know, one of my few natural gifts is that I've never experienced the sensation of heart burn in my life. I don't even have a frame of reference for it, except my dad pulling up the car after eating a Chorizo once

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Imagine a hot fireball in your chest that turns to a bad aching going through to your back. That’s at least how I experience it. I didn’t experience it until I was 20!

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Blimey! I'll take three please

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Ha! It’s not pleasant! I’m better at keeping it at bay now!

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In the US, we're taxed on what we earn, then taxed again when we dare to spend our money, taxed if we save our earnings and make a little interest, pay fees for this and that and everything, and of course our stuff is taxed again when we die. When all is said and done, we probably lose a lot more than a mere 37% - 50%. But rather than caring for our own, we see our stolen earnings go to support world empire that benefits others far higher in the pyramid.

It is a nice if relatively rare concept. Nations are like communities, people moving to where they find happiness and let other communities (countries) do as they like.

But where's the profit and control in that?

I do enjoy the diversity, the divergent co-existing cultures in America, tho we obviously still have a lot to do to make it work as it should. Starting with retaking control of our destiny.

If there's reincarnation, Denmark might make for a nice vacation. For now, I'll take the Baskin-Robbins where there's more than vanilla on the menu.

When I get a bike again, yes I'll lock it up with a strong chain just like I did all those years ago.

Great Post, thanks for sharing!

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Thanks Terry!

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deletedApr 30Liked by Wrong Channel
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Even the airport is squeaky clean! I had the strange feeling I'd like to live there. Thanks very much :)

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