Aug 29Liked by Wrong Channel

This is the path you have chosen

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Or did the choose me?

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This series has WAY too many parts

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That's the last one. For now...

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on that note, I will make a J'

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Bill it up, bill it up, bill it up

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Wrong Channel

Fecal existentialism - we are all radically free, but within our physical constraints.

Pooping is one of those things in which free will is never manifest. One must shit. But choosing to smoke rather than poop comfortably and as society indicates is an existential choice for which the consequences must be accepted.

That is freedom. I'm so glad you've embraced your radical freedom, my boy...

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haha I would go one step and further, and say poop is the only expression of free will remaining in our society. They can muzzle my mouth, but the cannot censor my bottom. Again, sorry, to flout your tutelage, father, but you raised me of independent mind. But one mustn't neccesarily shit. Shitting is choice. One you deprived me of between my 11th and 13th birthday I recall. A man is regimented, you would say, as you forced me to go, every morning after elevensies. "I can't father, I can't." Then you'd have me reach for the hoover. Now I'm chained to your digestive rhythms. I want to break free. but I am a regular and trapped as clockwork. I hope that makes you happy, daddy, I hope it does

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Indeed it breaks my heart to see you so broken and shitabreeked as you are now, my dear little simpleton. Could it be that I erred on the side of sternness in your upbringing? Some may say so, so they may. But je ne regrette rien.

How true it is that poop is the last refuge of our freedom, for we live in censorious times, but my skidmarked keks will ever and always be free to roam where they may...

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haha shitabreeked. I am not a little simpleton, I've grown into a great hulking village idiot. No pap, don't let "the some", these namby pamby child protection dogooders get in your wonderful mind, your beatings were as informative as they were justified.

haha they can take our trousers, but they can't take the turds within them, even if they wanted to. I will raise my soiled pantaloons up the flag pole atop city hall, and cry freedom as you taught me.

Sorry, I always take ages to get round to replying to your comments, because I want to do them justice!

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Truly they are yobbo poetry, your comments, and if they need a time mulling around that great ‘ulkin’ ‘ead of yorn, then so be it, me laddie.

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Aug 30Liked by Wrong Channel

I find it mildly upsetting that I enjoy reading about you shitting your pants so much. That said, please never stop

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haha mildly upsetting to the point of enjoyable! My calling card. I think I might have stopped, as far as new cases. I'm clear for a good few years. I had a close call on an Milanese cycle path a few months back, where I took the adult decision to poop up against a wall, rather than my pants. So that's probably a bit of a get out

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Aug 30Liked by Wrong Channel

Can you say you've lived a full life if you've never shat yourself? 🤔

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haha well said! Well I've lived a fuller life than most. Surely everyone has at least once, surely.

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Aug 30Liked by Wrong Channel

Some just don't want admit to it, but I think many have had the drinky shits. My situation mostly revolved around mezcal and mushrooms.

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I'm trying to pioneer an openness on the subject. Join me! Bloody hell, what was that like? I'd imagine at that stage the barriers between what's you, what's the universe, and what's turd are pretty blurred

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Sep 2Liked by Wrong Channel

It was actually the next day, the booze and bloomers had worn off but I wasn't feeling great, and despite that I made the mistake of trying to lift weights. Thankfully it was in my living room and not in a public gym. Still a good lesson about taking it easy after a hard night.

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Been down that track, buddy. Not to the point of pooping, but in the park of that soiled neighbourhood. I've tried to learn that lesson myself. To quote another part of my shitting saga "There's nothing like shitting yourself in your family home, is there? arguably more convenient than the toilet" ps. bloomers is a great way to call em, never heard that

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Liked by Wrong Channel

I've heard the expression "the zoot" before, like it. Reminds me of a jazzy hallucination by Zoot Sims that Kerouac used to bang on about all the time as the king...of swing, I suppose.

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That's all I ever knew them as - or a doob. I'm partial to a doob or a dooby. Or a honking great zuti. Biffter is another fun one, but I never felt at home with it. I really like the sound of a jazzy hallucination, I don't think I've ever had one so rhythmic. All hail the king of swing

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yeah I knew the doob and bifter ones. I wonder why calling it the gilgamesh never became in vogue, like all the centuries of insight in one fatty.

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haha been offered a "gilgamesh" is probably the only way I could be convinced into taking a risky puff on one

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"Guilty panties" lololol❤️

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haha cheeers!

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This one's for me...haha. Very funny story.

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Thanks man, glad you enjoyed it!

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