Grrrr! That gentleman had no thought to be supportive. He was just reminding you that he was in charge. I was a classroom teacher for years and then, without applyiing, I was asked to take over as Head of the Elementary Division. A teacher who was a close friend said, "Now we'll all watch you change." I said, "Let's review that at the end of the year." As an admin. I continued to teach a course, because I didn't want the teachers to see me asking anything of them that I didn't do myself. My personality didn't change, but I had to do classroom observations and, occasionally have privaate conversations with teachers who weren't returning papers in a timely way or who were coasting, but it was private, we set goals, and they generally followed up. I changed, because I was supervising, but I neer had to say it.

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He wasn't so bad. Yeah there's a definitely way to do it, and sounds like you found the perfect recipe.

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It can be a blessing and a course when a friend becomes your boss.

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aint that the truth

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I taught in Russia for a few years and yeah, there are no sketchier folks than the ones who slip on out of their home country to teach English with no real credentials, all to escape something they think a fresh continent might fix!

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haha yeah they are a ragtag ol' bunch. I reckon the ones who end up in Russia have probably exhausted a few continents on the way. No offence intended

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No you are absolutely correct in that assumption 😅 it was a mountain of chaos

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I bet a mountain of chaos is good fun on the way down

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