I've always been a one woman man. Cheating seemed so complicated, and I have always preferred an uncompleted life. That said if I counted every encounter it's about average, but what does it say about you if sex is about counting, about accumulating bragging rights? I'm going to be 74 in two days, and guys, if you don't find actual love in your life you will die alone, I don't care how many women you have fucked or how many broken hearts you have left along the path.

I've been married these past 33 years, never cheated, and we love each other more than ever. If I die first I will not have to die alone. If she dies first I will share it with her, then figure out what to do with myself. In retirement we each have our own life so neither of us depends on the other to keep from getting bored. There is a lot to be said for that.

In sum, ignore that moron Andrew Tate. It's about quality NOT quantity. Women seem to know this by and large. Find someone you can genuinely care about.

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Fucking A Paul! That was really beautiful. The numbers game is all fucking nonsense. And don't worry, I have found someone, I'm happy! That's partly what made me realise how stupid this idea is, but it's pummeled into you, to the point where it seems like it's a real thing.

As for cheating, I'm biologically incapable of it - and, as you say, how do people orchestrate that, where do you find the time.

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My favorite line that I’m assuming isn’t a typo: “on the pus-side, STDs…”

I guess I’ve slept around more than I thought. I’m definitely north of the average. #humblebrag?

I dunno, I’m past 50 now and don’t really remember any of it. I mostly miss just having time to hang out without life getting in the way so much.

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That's cool you liked that one, I was dithering about it til the last moment.

Brag on, my man! I believe I'm south westerly of average.

I am a bit deprived of hanging out myself, 98% of my friends are in other countries, and I'll be damned if I'm going to make a new one

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“98% of my friends are in other countries, and I'll be damned if I'm going to make a new one”

Ha ha ha.

OMG, you are so good at making me laugh.

I am glad you are doing you when it comes to these posts.

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haha thanks Terra! Too late to do anyone else now

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"jimmying a sozzled floppy onto the porch"

"genitalial" in its adjectival form

the idea that there's an age gap between cock and balls

one's "piece" bearing terrible burdens

the neat and necessary inversion that is "no warts and all"

"time inside more people"

"tallied fuck"

pretty much all sentences shown here

So much to love at the level of form. And maybe it's cuz I'm reading without glasses, but I didn't catch even one typo. That's probably going to annoy people.

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haha thanks Dr Dave! Whenever I used to submit to publications, they'd always be like "um less word play". So I thought fuck em! and just started writing for enjoyment, so it's such a delight that you enjoy all my cocking about with language. I've definitely got a tpyeo in me! I doubt that streak will stay hot too long

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I'd be honered to look for your typo.

As for your being rebuffed for having played with words, it's perfectly natural to play with your words and no occasion for shame. Some of these literary publications have, I couldn't help noticing, portrait walls, where they post pictures of the authors. The pictures hang on the wall like my last duchess and vie with each other for creamiest ebon pigment. It's a shame your authorial photo, the one depicting you playing with your king in flagrente and looking unfashionably pale, well, it's a shame it couldn't hang on the wall amidst the proper pictures. I think it strikes the right note.

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hahaha when I have my way this comment will be hung in a gallery!

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Well sir, then you’ll be well hung.

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[You were thinkin it; someone had to say it.]

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haha I’ve actually written at modest length about it. This probably seems like a clumsy segue, but it's actually of the ones I’m most happy with in terms of word play. I was thinking about wanging it in your direction anyway as it so happens

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Women deal with a different issue, which separate the whole quality into two camps. On the one hand, many women prefer not to have sex if there is no emotional connection. On the other, they often find themselves trying to convince themselves they can do one night stands, to get with a guy they like or feel cooler or for whatever reason. In any case, by the time you tick the 35-40 box on the age chart, you usually get a sense of 'who the F*ck am I trying to fool here?' and go for what feels best and most natural, not giving a toss about society or fitting in or making someone like you. (I almost wrote: here's to not giving a toss, but I guess tossing can be fun sometimes...)

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I am a bit in that first encampment of ladies myself. I actually had a line about it, but I bottled it and took it out - because what would the LADS say? here it is "Truth be told, I am the exact kind of softie those coy gyalists play to get laid. It’s not just about sex for me, beb. I’m looking for a deeper connection, you know?" I think that's the right solution! I used to be so hung up on this shit, I was a bit anxious about posting it, but I don't give a bad kind of toss either

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Most lads would probably agree, especially if they are at the point they realize they just have to do what's right for them. I wouldn't be surprised if they do. It's just a surface difference for both sexes, because of social constructs.

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Yeah you're right. Everyone's a soppy so and so, deep down, unless there a sociopath

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I've had hundreds of women, hundreds... a good three or four of them are actually flesh-and-blood people too.

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haha humans, humans, humans, it's always sex with human, isn't it? If you think humans are the best at sex, you've got a hell of a lot to learn, round my neck of the woods.

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May 30·edited May 30Liked by Wrong Channel

I've heard the woodland creatures in your neck of the woods are pretty wary by now. They've had a few too many... interesting experiences...for comfort.

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It is not comfort that I intend on instilling in these slutty little critters, it's pleasure, father.

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I never brought any son of mine up in such a disgraceful way - were all those donations to the RSPCA for nothing?

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Oh father, must you always be so immature, they were merely downpayments for my later transspecies transgressions. The whole things a racket. An international budgie smuggling and buggering ring - and I the ring leader and piercer

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I know why the caged bird sings

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The numbers game is a suckers game, back in the late 70’s early 80’s I was out and about doing what I thought young men were supposed to be doing and that’s going for the body count. Some good,many bad and a lot of indifference. It wasn’t until I was in my mid twenties that I met a woman who totally changed by attitude towards sex and definitely for the better.

Quality over quantity.

Learning that it’s about mutual trust and attraction and giving your partner the pleasure they have given you.

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It really is for chumps! I think most blokes come to that conclusion in the end

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May 30Liked by Wrong Channel

I love the image of the vagina's front porch :)

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Thanks Anna!

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