My two children and I are dopamine hungry, red meat craving balls of American angst, but we are happy ones, at least. Great writing! I really enjoy your style. 😊

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Sounds like a pretty accurate description of me! But I live in Italy so I’m a meatball of English angst. Thank you very much! :)

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Ack! Sorry for assuming! 😀 I really do love the way you write and I'll be coming around to check out more of your stuff when I get a chance. 😊

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No apology necessary! :) thank you! And I appreciate you taking the time to mosey on through my stuff

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4Liked by Wrong Channel

Of course 😊. I really enjoying getting to know new authors, and sharing my work with them. What part of Italy do you live in? I'm in Oregon, on the West Coast of the United States. The area we live in is called the Pacific Northwest, which is the PNW in my nom de plume. Edited to add: here is another story you of mine you might enjoy. This one is a little different from that last one in subject matter, but I really enjoyed writing about it (living it wasn't bad either😉)


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I live in Milano and spend quite a lot of time down in the south, too, with my girlfriend's parents. Haha I love the word nom de plume. The pacific northwest, you were right to offer a little explainer. America is so vast for us little island folks. I enjoyed your story, it reminded me of a few nights roaming around. I've subscribed :)

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Thanks! I've always wanted to visit Italy. I have a very well traveled cousin, who has lived there, in Spain, in London, and in Dubai. Very envious of her lol

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Wrong Channel

A life of overindulging surely opens offspring up to the possibility of genetic mutations and super powers right? Defo worth the risk!

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haha you might be right - a predisposition to alcoholism is a super power, just need depends on the right environment

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Sep 5Liked by Wrong Channel

Lemme go all 4 Yorkshire gentlemen. Your vices are weed, beer, and the occasional vat of hummus? Your kids should be so lucky! Consider what happened to me: my paternal grandmother came from a long line of loan sharks, who were so successful that they became bankers, and even bought themselves a noble title to ice their shameful cake, the bastards. Unfortunately, that was in Southern Italy, not in St. Petersburg, Russia, where they could have run into Raskolnikov, and been "crimed and punished", as they so rightly deserved. Not happy with money-lending, they used to intermarry between cousins for such a long time, that, as a result, I'm a complete aesthetic catastrophe, more similar to a fake Picasso lady, than to a Botticellian Venus.

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haha that's given you a pretty badass shady genetic backstory. I come from a long line of alcoholics, but who doesn't? haha nothing wrong with keeping it in the family! I'm sure that's not the case, everyone feels like that. Plus you got those sweet multilingual word-sponge genes to flog on, I'd kill for some of those - and have!

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