Wow... I must say, a few tears collected in my visually-impaired eyes as I read about the bleak future awaiting these hard lads. Such a promise and nothing to show for it... *sigh* On another note, oy! I like Kobayashi! lol

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They do get their comeuppance, if they did deserve it. He's probably the hardest bastard in town, pound for pound

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Well, he was. I think I read somewhere he passed away, did he not? Or am I thinking of someone else?

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

Are we talking about the same hotdog eater? A quick goog. later, I think he's still alive and kicking somehow

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No, I didn't know about the hot dog eater and that explains a lot. lol Oh well, live and learn. May he have a long and healthy life, full of frankfurters.

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You would think he's speedeating himself towards an early grave, but no, seems 45 hotdogs in 10 minutes is the key to eternal life

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Thanks for the tip, but I'd rather keep waiting for a vampire to come by.

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Taking the moral high ground is sometimes never an option as such an intelligent approach to conflict is beyond the aggressor's comprehension.

From the land of the 'wellhards.'

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You'll have plenty of time to relish that moral victory in the AM A & E queue

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haha yeah they can still punch uphill

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We had some retired from hardmanning (but not from working construction) hardmen come for their daily tea at a greasy spoon I worked at as a student and they called me a flower and a petal and it was really nice tbh. Sexism ftw

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Haha that’s probably as good as sexism gets!

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they called each other some variation of "oi you there with the cunt face" every time so ye I guess so hahaha

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Haha cunt face is the tenderest term of endearment in the hardman’s locker

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