Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Wrong Channel

I cry in public. I say I love you to my friends.

Then I ignore people in distress, just to balance out the universe.

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got to balance out all that effeminate bullshit somehow Tim

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Jun 27Liked by Wrong Channel


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Yes, Tim does burn here, however briefly. It's not nothing.

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I'm told by those who experience emotions that it's very exhausting and time-consuming so I think I'll pass on that MMA stuff thank you very much. Never was one for the wrestling anyway.

I'm quite happy with my Thatcher-Era issue of emotions which are: roadrage, patriotism (though I picked the wrong country, erk!) and football, but again since I don't drive or watch football that leaves me pretty much bereft.

You go ahead and enjoy your weeping jags and your hugs with men who should know better, though, young fella.

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haha emotions are state prophaganda! I've never seen an emotion, I've never heard an emotion. Prove it. That's all I say. Show me the evidence.

haha football emotion is the only emotion expresed by most of mankind. I don't suffer from it myself. I take a bad result on the chin, like a man, then go and vent it on the chin of my wife, like a man.

haha now, now, Somebody sound like They need a hug. Bring it in

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Get off me you smelly oik. I think you've been drinking methylated spirits

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haha it was two luke warm ciders on crosscounty coach, and if that's a crime, then inform the driver

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Oh well in that case… come to Daddy. Mwah mwah

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Yeah that Wrong Channel guy is really great with metaphors and similes, but that generation didn't get enough of the concrete in their playgrounds.

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I got my grazes on the rockhard rugger fields, and, not to mention, my scrotes trampled by adult sized farm lads

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I didn't need drugs to cry in public. Having children did it for me. Any scene of cruelty or maltreatment has me in floods. I have to be careful not to embarrass my grandchildren.

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I've heard that from my dad-friends. I'm a quiver away from tears now, after the hormonal dump of fatherhood, crying will probably be my resting setting. Isn't embarrassing the grandkids the job? Or is it only fun to embarrass your kids?

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You know you're doing something right when your parents tell you you're bringing your kids up wrong, your kids agree, and the grandchildren watch, bemused.

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haha bemused onlookers are the only kind I'm interested in. I've got all that to look forward to. My plan is to make no attempt to correct the foibles of my parents. Same again, please

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Funny take on a serious issue for men! Glad it’s becoming more acceptable for men to be emotional. 🫶🏻

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Thanks Elaine! Are you calling me a pussy?

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Obvi 🤣😅

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The genesis of men has been interesting in my lifetime. When I was a little boy, no self-respecting man (unless he was at work on a construction site) would be seen on the street with out a jacket and tie, leather shoes and a stetson. All women wore hats and gloves and kids wore hats with earmufs that snapped under your neck. My dad juggled being loving with buying me a punching bag and telling me, "If you get in a fight, make sure the guy you're fighting can't get up when you knock him down." My dad's life story is told in the movie, "Once Upon a Time in America." Your wonderful prose piece sent me down memory lane, and it is amazing how much men have evolved and been allowed to evolve. Unless, of course, you live in certain states.

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Thank you very much Sandy. It seems we’re moving in the right direction

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Yes, they do. I can't help it, but gets teary watching "House on the Prairie

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haha it doesn't need helping. I even cry at emotionally manipulative insurance adverts

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"The generation of men before us didn't even express tiredness."

"no anorak goes uncomplimented"

the "density" of a drunken stupor "guaranteeing erasure"

"mud-thrusting hippies"

a modern man crying at "skylines and UFC Hall of Fame inductions"

[I won't look at skylines the same ever again (for at least a month)]

the subtlety of "variousness" being a feeling. In other words the subtlety is also about subtlety. It's a nice counterpoint to happiness and sadness lacking range--just before those become dull you slip "variousness" in.

"calcified" is well deployed

"discrete" is used correctly here whereas at most anyone else's Substack it would be used not at all or with indiscretion.

Who knows what anyone is on line but if you really are young you have the makings of a great writer even if your incarnational model is out of synch with the times. --david

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haha thanks David, I appreciate you picking out the bits you enjoyed. It's a joy to read. I'm going to sync up the times with myself. that's the plan

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