So funny and ironic, how the "curry" colonized the British diet as well as daily language. Curry Kingdom (cheeky Indian retort).

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haha yes it is. Like all of our culture, like tea and cocaine, we stole it off someone else. I think the curry funnelled into English people is not the same though. I never felt that way after a home cooked curry

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Your rhapsody on the harmonic delights of poppadums and naan has the musical ring of a spicy air biscuit in the backseat of a taxi - truly the poetry of the complete lads' night out.

Also "dance moves that don’t register as dance or movement" is top stuff and essentially valid for all Brits dancing, curry or no.

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haha it is I the Yeats of gear and paneer, I speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, as they are too bloated, I write for those who cannot read, as they are too gakked up.

Thanks man! You speak for youself. I'm in the top 1 percent of white brits. Which still puts me in the bottom 1% globally. But I can get down with a belly full of curry. These were my least truthful works

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‘Tis enough that you speak with a spiritual truth, literal truth is superfluous

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hahaha I expel my truths, loudly and in the bath

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I loved "Curry: the Death of Ambition." I read it in a local Barnes and Noble, where I do a lot of my writing, and laughed out loud at least a half dozen times. One of my favorite lines was, "For those last few tears of naan, a curry weighs a body down, and down, and down, like a mesh of breezeblocks on a sinking carcass." As a traveler in England (twice) I ate a considerable amount of Indian food and curry and it definitely slows you down. Your use of adjectives is extremely effective and the flow of the piece is outstanding. One suggestions: In the third paragraph you use "creamy delights" twice in one sentence. It was the only spot that stopped me for a moment. But it didn't - at all - hamper my delight with you piece. Bravo!

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haha thank you very much! I hope you time up that laughter to muffle the scattered screams of the pulverised blabbermouths. I thought of the silly name one day, and thought right I'm going to have to find a way to justify that title. Ah you've curried with the best of them. It really does. I think it depends on the restaurant. I had one the other day that preceded a cracking night out. Damn, it didn't work, but I was trying to emphasize that they were the same and saying all the way from one thing that's the same to another thing that's the same. But I didn't nail it dang! Thanks for letting me know! I'm glad your hamper was still well-stocked with funzys. thanks again!

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🤣🤣🤣 Who doesn’t love a curry? 😝

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oooh I love a curry!

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This guy's so good he's prolly a famous author just slumming it in Substack under a sood. I call dibs on not being surprised when he tells us who he is.

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haha bloody hell, thank you Dr Dave! You got me, I'm Haruki Murakami

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Your secret’s safe with me.

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lol This is not exactly an endorsement of Indian food... I do remember tasting some spicy dish back in Sandwich and wiping tears from my eyes for about fifteen minutes straight. Which makes me realize you might appreciate the following philosopical question, which has puzzled me for a few years now: Why are so many people enchanted with the procedure of consuming certain foods, when they know with absolute certainty that the extraction of said food from their bodies will involve the fire brigade? ()Not to mention the risk of having their toilet dissolve beneath them!)

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haha I don't think it's the Indian food, I think it's the Indian food made for our ignorant English pallets - along with the obilgatory 5 pints. haha I can answer you. It's about living in the moment. Enjoy it. Take the hit. Even when I'm ill in that region, I still eat what I want and eroded what must be eroded. I've got some sort of gluten sensitivity, and I'm going for a pizza and beers tonight.

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Bless your wee socks... You are a brave soul, my friend.

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No, I'm courageous! I'm the definition of hardcore. I write about these silly things I did in my youth, but now my last rebellion is eating the occasional pizza.

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I like that. You rebel, therefore you are. :)

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