Grammar is a tough one. It's like driving a car, you know how to do it but teaching it and explaining all the laws is another skillset altogether. I hated teaching it.

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I can’t drive either! That’s explains it

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LOL. On the other hand, I can easily explain how to hammer a nail but damned if I can do it properly!

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The only time I used a hammer was building a shed with my friend on ecstasy and I was only responsible for holding the nail

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Sounds like a Three Stooges scene!.

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Yeah it was a bit like that, but with more platonic love. I promise I wasn’t slimily segueing, but, seems silly not to send it over. I wrote about it here if you’re interested https://wrongchannel.substack.com/p/house-that-pills-built?utm_source=publication-search

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May 12Liked by Wrong Channel

Well, speaking as a substitute teacher, I really only had to give assignments that their teachers provided, but if they asked questions that I couldn’t answer such as those in advanced math or physics, I’d ask the smartest students for assistance and that worked well.

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ah well played! That's a classic. But if that fails you're in trouble

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May 12Liked by Wrong Channel

I’ve found that students love showing off their skills and are willing to help their classmates. It never failed and I was a sub for 22 years.

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That’s awesome! You were clearly very talented. Despite coming from a long line of teachers, I didn’t have it in me

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May 8Liked by Wrong Channel

I didn't teach English to people learning English but was a graduate teaching assistant, let loose on unsuspecting university freshman and sophomores, and then an adjunct instructor after graduation. Let's just say that my Rate My Prof reviews said something along the lines of 'hot but boring.' I guess I can be thankful that I got the chilli pepper? And now I'm an editor...

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haha I'd take it. I had a similar kind of review "funny but doesn't know what he's talking about". I'm an editor too now. Thank god. Don't send me back

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May 8Liked by Wrong Channel

Haha! I'd have taken funny. At the time, I wanted to be a 'serious academic' so being called 'hot' felt insulting to my fragile ego. Heh! But yes...the fact that I can finish my job at the end of the day as an editor is a huge bonus. I mirror the sentiment: do not send me back!

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I enoyed this and cringed at the same time. Every teacher, even if they're successful, has August dreams like your story. They don't know the curriculum, the class is out of control, etc. etc. My heart bleeds for our teacher who has yet to discover that lesson plans help. LOL. A terrific read.

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haha yeah I remember those teacher anxiety dreams. I’m late for the lesson, I can’t print it out. In my case the actual lessons were more of a nightmare. Thank you!

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Mar 12Liked by Wrong Channel

Bwha ha! I also was a shit English teacher.

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Haha still makes me shudder

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