This is unbelievably spot on for a lot of 'responsible adult' people I know: "Drinking in moderation - constantly". I mean, just admit you like getting loaded, why the pretense?

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Thanks man! Oh how that pretense goes down mighty smooth

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Larry Miller did a bit about the "five stages of drinking" but I think for him it was the five different stages of inebriation you go through.

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Thanks mate, I'll check it out! I've actually got an article like that in the pipleline. I've tried to order every words for drunk in order of drunkenness and then tried to assign an exact level of drunkenness to it.

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I am extremely grateful for being as close to a teetotaler as possible, without actually being a teetotaler. Growing up, I was never a "stick in the mud," but it was extremely rare that I drank much, and having only done so during the few times I would succumb to peer pressure. The few times I did drink to an excess, able to count on one hand, I came to deeply regret it having gone through the typical porcelain ritual and mind-numbing migraine afterwards. For me, it was not fun having the celebratory events left behind in a blurred smash of unrecalled embarrassment.

I do enjoy an occasional glass or two of Port, alongside a full-course meal. I even enjoy a refreshing mixed drink when out on the beach or whilst having lunch with friends. However, the limit is almost certainly met at the end of the second glass, if not the first, due to all the reasons you mentioned.

Your article is spot on. It reminds me of a number of people I grew up knowing, including my late brother whose life tragically ended at much too early an age. His was a hedonistic lifestyle centred around alcohol.

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That's great that you have that self control and have found what's comfortable you.

I definitely enjoy overdoing it with my friends, but I steer of just the daily drinking that's quintessentially British.

I'm very sorry to hear of your brother.

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Being from a predominately German family, I am surprised few of my relatives drank more than the occasional beer or glass of wine. I grew up in a household where we were allowed a glass of wine with a formal evening dinner, but that was the extent of it. I suppose it was the dissipating aristocratic blood flowing through their veins. Alcohol at home, whilst growing up, was merely something that was always kept in the cupboard. I never understood my brother's obsession with it. It was not until his return from being in the Marines that it became obvious he was a functioning alcoholic. Ah, well, he passed the same way he enjoyed living—in a blaze of glory.

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Stage 6: 50 years and over.

A tot of green ginger wine or mead every 3 days. None on range practice day.

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I've got all that to look forward to!

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Haha omg! So spot on. I was the blackout drunk girl in uni (but not a vomiter actually).

“Drunk on youth and neon gloop, brand-new adults can dance past 4 am to anything resembling music. This stage is summed up by agreeing along with that wretched anthem that “tonight is going to be a good, good ni-i-ight!”” 🤣🤣🤣 also this song was played at every club and party in my uni days. 🙈🤪 How did you know or did we all just have this same, universal experience?! 🤔

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Jun 2Liked by Wrong Channel

Also the ending. 😅 Brilliant!

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thanks Elaine! haha I'm glad that reference landed! I was hoping that song plagued clubs for long enough to not make it too niche. I went out, regretabbly, maybe 4 years ago, and still heard it

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Jun 6Liked by Wrong Channel

You were brave! 😂 I think my husband and I last went out to a club (he’s 45 now and used to be a raver/festivaler) a good 6 years ago which now makes me feel very old. 🤔 To be fair, I was far too sober for people to pour drinks on my shoes and I was done long before 5am so I may happily say I can leave that life in my 20s. 🙈

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I don't thin I could do it. I went to a festival last year, and it really took it out of me. haha yeah it's not enjoyable. I might have a few more festivals in me, but maybe not. I do miss dancing though. Now if I dance it feels like I'm learning again

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Jun 6Liked by Wrong Channel

My husband is such a good dancer but me not so much. I’ve always been a terrible dancer. On my 30th birthday my older sister drunkenly said something along the lines of it’s good Michael isn’t embarrassed at my dancing. 🤣 the phrase “dad dancing” comes to mind. I wish I could be swept up in the music and enjoying it, looking amazing, but alas I never learned how. 🙈🤪 Festivals may be my thing! I’ll have to see. (I’ve never been to a full on English one.)

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haha the trick is enjoying yourself. Nobody really cares. Almost nobody's that good at dancing. It took me about a kilogram of MDMA to develop basic rhythm. So there's always that option!

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deletedAug 24Liked by Wrong Channel
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I’ve certainly grazed it myself

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