Ha ha. Yes, yes. A very good read. I totally agree. It is all about what one does with things, their capacity for connection and certainly, a cat can be skinned in many ways. Now, since we are on the subject, let’s digress into vulvas for a moment shall we? In one revelatory moment whilst standing wearing blue rubber gloves in a Myofascial release seminar for women, at the ready to perform an anal release on the raised bum in front of me (amidst a sea of raised bums), I found all those nether regions are quite different. I even found a sculpture someone created of vaginas… plastic parris molded into something that would cause my mother to cringe. It seems (at the time) the most common form of plastic surgery was labiaectomy… I guess big dicks and small labias are the supposed thing to shoot for, except not really. It is simple. Just learn the art of cat skinning. Thank you for shining a metaphorical light on a sizable topic.

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I had to take my dog to the vet recently to have his anal glands "released" but I didn't realize human women did this for one another...

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Doesn’t have to be women. It was a Myofascial release class focused on women’s health. You access the prostate gland on men through the same portal.

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Do you see any marble statues of baby arms holding an apple? No you dont. The mighty men of old had a mortal cock just like me!

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haha it was the modest, mortal cock that the great artists immortalised. What I'm getting at, is that our cocks will live forever (not everybody else's, just mine and yours). I'm sure of it

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Excellent points. Unfortunately, everyone deals with those insecurities and there is no way around it, but only through the fire. And for God's sake, Sam, please, don't skin the cat!

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hahaha too late! How did you think I preserve my youthfulness in that particular department

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Well, I was hoping you realized there are many other things one can do with that particular breed of cat...

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I'll stick to the skinning!

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